Advice From a Debt Coach on How to Change Your Debt Mindset

Image of a business man holding a handful of change and counting it. Discover how a skilled debt coach in California can help you solve your debt struggles and live freely.

As a holistic financial and debt coach, I see debts of all kinds. But one thing remains consistent, and that’s the “debt mindset”, and it is toxic.  Let’s talk about how I work with my clients to heal their debt mindset and make paying off (and staying out) debt easier and easier. Approximate read time: 8 minutes (10-20 […]

How to Reduce Holiday Spending Without Feeling Restricted: Tips From a Financial Coach

Image of someone holding a present. Discover how you can better manage your holiday spending with the help of a financial coach in California.

   “I’ve got to spend less on the holidays this year.” Advice from a trauma-informed, holistic financial coach on how to reduce holiday spending without feeling restricted. Approximate read time: 7 minutes Well, it’s that time of year again!  Time to start holiday shopping! And keeping up family traditions.And socializing.Of course all the gifts.Oh ya, and […]

Lifestyle Creep: Tips From a Financial Coach on What it is & How To Recover From It

Image of a woman's feet on a treadmill. Discover what lifestyle creep is and how financial coaching in New York and California can help you!

What is Lifestyle Creep? Also known as lifestyle inflation, means as we earn more, our lifestyle tastes and expectations go up too. Let’s talk about how to prevent and recover from lifestyle creep with the help of a financial coach and financial coaching services! Approximate read time: Five minutes “I work hard and have nothing […]

Tracking: Burn the Receipts

winter scene at sunset or sunrise with animal tracks as a metaphor for tracking spending

How to Track Spending:  Why it’s ok to get rid of that big pile of receipts. Approximate read time: 7 minutes How many times have you tried to track your spending?  Here’s some common responses I get when I ask my clients that question: “My bank keeps track of that for me.” “You mean like […]

“You Just Give People Budgets, Right?”

Image of a dirt path in a vibrant green forest. Do you struggle with managing your budgets? Learn how financial coaching services in California, New York, Texas, or anywhere else in the United States can help you budget and create stability!

Let’s talk about how to make a budget built by you, FOR you. Approximate read time: 8 minutes You could google “how to make a budget” right now and you’d probably come up with 100s of options. Some will be free, some will be subscription-based, but none of them will be built for your life.  […]

The Future of Financial Literacy

bridge across creek future of financial literacy

For generations we’ve heard the same bits of financial wisdom, and we’ve all faithfully passed down this wisdom, reinforcing it each time we regurgitate it.  But it’s finally time for a revolution.  The future of financial literacy looks nothing like the past. Approximate read time: 4 minutes To be successful, traditional financial literacy dogma tells […]

How to Stay Motivated While Building Savings

quiet path along a reservoir metaphor for having money in savings

Regardless of your income, it can be difficult to build savings Here are my top suggestions for staying motivated while building savings. Approximate read time: 4 minutes Just expecting yourself to automatically build savings is not enough “Just save money” sounds like an incredibly do-able strategy for savings, right? Conventional bits of wisdom like this […]

How and When to use Your Emergency Fund

You’ve worked so hard to build up this emergency fund Knowing when to use your emergency fund is just as important as knowing how to build it in the first place. Building emergency funds isn’t always fun, and for the most part, it’s not fast. In my experience, the stickiest emergency funds are the ones […]