Top Financial Reasons for Divorce

Image of a disconnected, unhappy couple fighting about money and finances. Discover how you can recover and control your finances after a divorce with the help of a financial coach in New York.

Approximate read time: 9 minutes Without Googling I bet you can name at least five financial reasons couples get divorced. And you’d likely be right on. But just knowing the reasons that finances torpedo relationships isn’t enough. If a listicle of reasons was enough to save marriages, we’d all be just fine. And we are […]

Let’s Talk About Money

A couple walking by the beach on a boardwalk. metaphor for having a calm money talk together

Most couples would rather talk about their sex lives than have the money talk. Approximate read time: 9 minutes Talking about our relationships is difficult, and money makes that doubly hard. Money is tightly linked to survival instincts, and the mere thought of talking about our relationship to money and to each other can be […]

Financial Resilience After Divorce: Strategies to Rebuild and Thrive

Image of a couple walking away from each other on a forking forest path. Struggling with finances after divorce? Learn how financial coaching services in California can help you find resilience!

Five years post-divorce 25% of people say they feel recovered from the emotional impact of divorce, vs 35% who say they are still not recovered from the financial impact. Even after five years, so many of us are not financially resilient after divorce. Let’s talk about what works and what doesn’t when trying to recover […]

When should parents stop giving money to grown kids?

when to not give money to family image shows a small family that has hiked to the top of a rocky outcrop

We are often motivated to lend or give our family members money for some truly beautiful reasons. We want to care for our family members no matter their age, and we want them to know we care for them.  Let’s talk about five times you should not give money to your family, and what else […]

How Do I Get My Spouse To Go To Couple’s Financial Coaching?

Image of a young couple hiking along forest trail. If you and your partner struggle to manage money together, learn how a financial coach for couples in California.

How to get your spouse to meet with a financial coach for couples with you is no small feat! It doesn’t matter if you’re still dating or have been together for decades, if even the thought of getting your spouse to get financial coaching with you fills you with dread, read on. Approximate read time: 3 minutes […]

What is financial infidelity?

A washed out road as a metaphor for how financial infidelity undermines connection and communication

In a 2015 article, CNBC reported that 72 million Americans were hiding money from their spouses.  While I’m not at all surprised, I’m sure by now the number is quite a bit higher. Financial infidelity simply means when you or your partner is hiding something about finances.  This can look like: hiding debt, hiding savings, […]

Signs of Financial Abuse

an isolated person on a lonely forest path as a metaphor for financial abuse

What are some signs of financial abuse? The very first time I meet with a couple, or a person considering or in the process of leaving a relationship I’m looking for signs of financial abuse.  Why do I care?  Because financial abuse can be a predictor of not only divorce or separation, but physical abuse.  As […]