Water bottles, sunk costs, and the final death of Wants vs Needs
The wants vs. needs tool is not working. And if a tool isn’t working, stop using it. Approximate read time: 6 minutes. What’s the difference between a want and a need? Wants vs Needs is probably the second most common financial “tool” I hear my clients trying to use. But just like “I just need […]
Debt Free in New York City: Unconventional Tips From an Online Financial Coach to Paying Off Debt
Debt Free in New York City: Unconventional Tips From an Online Financial Coach to Paying Off Debt First steps to being debt free in NYC: unconventional ideas to kill debt from a Holistic Online Financial Coach Approximate read time: 6 minutes You’ve done everything right, but still feel the crush of debt. You went to school […]
Building Savings as a Couple in New York City: Advice from a Online Financial Coach in New York
Emily and Noah came to me just after their big, beautiful wedding. She’s a New York native, he’s a transplant, and they both love the city, but there are… frustrations. Rent seems to ratchet up every year, getting back and forth to their jobs comfortably and quickly is so expensive as to not be sustainable, […]
How to survive a recession
In this article we’ll be talking about conventional wisdom around surviving a recession, why that wisdom rarely works, and what you can do instead. Approximate read time: 6 minutes A quick google will tell you the four things you must do if you want to survive a recession… Here is what is going to happen […]
How a Financial Coach Can Help Navigate Life’s Biggest Transitions
Life is full of transitions… sometimes it’s a disruption that comes out of nowhere, and sometimes they’re planned for and expected. Whether a change is a choice you’ve made or a choice that was made for you, let’s talk about how a financial coach can help you navigate life’s biggest transitions with financial coaching services. Approximate read […]
How To Find the Right Financial Coach in California, New York, Texas, or Anywhere in the United States
How To Find the Right Financial Coach in California, New York, Texas, or Anywhere in the United States In this article, we’ll be talking about how to find the right financial coach. As well as what you should expect from financial coaching, and questions to ask potential coaches. Approximate read time: 5 minutes What to […]
Financial Coach vs Financial Advisor: Which Do I Need?
In our current, complex financial landscape, different kinds of financial professionals are needed. Navigating the financial landscape of your life can be tricky! Are you wondering whether you need a financial coach vs a financial advisor? This article will delve into the distinct roles of these professionals. Empowering you to choose the right partner for your financial […]
Five Signs You Need a Financial Coach
Let’s talk about five signs that it’s time to seek out a trauma-informed financial coach. Approximate read time: 8 minutes As a trauma-informed financial coach, my only goal is to teach my clients how to trust themselves with their money. I deeply understand how past choices can impact our present financial wellness, and have built […]
What is Financial Trauma?
Understanding the root causes of financial trauma is an important step in beginning to heal and overcome this trauma and its long-lasting impacts Approximate read time: 7 minutes Raise your hand. For each of the following statements that you agree with, put a finger down. “I am frequently upset at reminders of my past financial […]
What to do if You Are Successful But Unfulfilled: Tips From a Financial Coach
You’ve Worked So Hard to Get Where You Are… How is it Possible to be This Successful But Still Feel Unfulfilled? Approximate read time: 5 minutes Let’s meet Ilena. For the most part, Ilena has done the right things. She graduated from university with flying colors, pretty much immediately got a great job, and has […]