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We’re proud to be partnering with Columbia Health Services!

Personalized, Trauma- Informed, Holistic Financial Coaching


Financial Wellness is an important part of everyone’s lives… especially parents.

The responsibility and commitment of parenting can be heavy… even overwhelming.  Thinking about our children’s futures, and how every little choice we make now can deeply impact their lives later.

Sometimes it’s too much

Imagine a parent you serve laying awake at night doing the math on their bills over and over.

It’s just not adding up.

Just as they were getting ahead, somebody clipped them in the supermarket parking lot. Now they’re back to square one.  Again.

This constant tension around money makes it difficult to be patient and present with their children.

Logically, they know they should be able to make this all work, but nothing ever changes.  They’re exhausted.

They are so much closer to financial wellness than they might think.

The very first time a parent meets with me, they’ll be surprised.  There is no shame, no judgment, and no, I never tell anyone what to do.

If just being told what to do worked, it would have worked by now. By providing the parents you serve with specific tools along with careful support and guidance, they’ll see their life begin to transform. And it’s fun!

Whether it’s a group or individual session, they’ll leave every meeting with something that they can use that day that begins to untangle their self-worth from their finances.

I’m all about progress without obligation, judgment, shame, or directives. Let’s put the energy where it belongs!

What would it look like if the parents you serve could trust themselves with their money?

Imagine them taking that first, fresh, clean breath of air where their finances are no longer a source of pain and shame.

It’ll be a no drama, no debt kind of breath.

Imagine how much they could teach their children… modeling what it looks like to make decisions that serve them well in the future.

And this isn’t just about their individual financial lives.

Each family that attends the group sessions has the opportunity to support and empower one another’s families.

Yes, we’ll be talking about how to change their relationships with money, but also how to build a supportive network around themselves…

Our workshops have the potential to build a community debt-payoff program. As a group, they will be able to pay off  their debts in about a third of the time than they could have on their own.

There is power in community.

Let’s talk about how Columbia Health Services could help those they serve heal their relationships with money, build community around themselves and absolutely destroy their debt!

Call (503) 908-3425 now and let’s find a time to talk!