Healthy finances don’t have to be painful!
Live, Virtual, Holistic Financial Wellness Classes
You’ve tried just forcing yourself to keep a budget, stop procrastinating and “get your shit together”…
And you can keep with those new systems and strategies for a few weeks and then you’re right back to old habits. There’s a point where it feels impossible to try again.
It begins to feel like you can’t do anything right.
You’re just about to fall asleep and all the bills pop into your head. Doing math on the ceiling, wide awake, frustrated and feeling like there is no way out. You keep trying the same steps over and over again, without getting any closer to where you want to be.
Maybe you’re not using financial strategies wrong…
After all, you can only use the tools you’ve been given. If a restrictive budget is the only way you’ve ever been taught to get where you want to go financially, of course it’s the only one you can use. And I know you’ve tried too many times to count.
It can be demoralizing and frustrating to feel this stuck, insecure, and uncertain.
Maybe you need better tools.
Holistic Financial Wellness isn’t just about budgeting. Sure, it’s about the mechanics of money, (like budgeting and investing), but it’s also about being aware of spending patterns without judgment, developing new routines and systems for decision making, and changing your relationship with money.
Holistic Financial Wellness is about finally trusting yourself with money.
Join us for a free info session!
Attend an info session by September 23rd, 2022, and receive a 30% discount on the cohort starting October 11th, 2022!