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Ready to trust yourself with your money again?

Thank you for being at the class today!

Financial wellness isn’t just about sticking to a budget, or restricting yourself. If that was going to work for you or anyone, it probably would have worked by now!  What I love about a holistic approach to finances is that we respect that your money touches every part of your life, and every part of your life touches your money!

That means I can teach financial concepts (like trusting yourself, resilience, and awareness without judgment) on NON-financial domains and still see a positive impact on my client’s financial lives!

Just for you, I’ve got a mini-class (about 12 minutes long) that does this exact thing.  In this class you’ll learn a practice that not only makes it easier to think about the future, but will also make your life easier by tomorrow!

Download the mini class now!

What would it look like if you could trust yourself with your money?

And here’s your “homework”

Want to learn more?

Check out the home page, where you’ll find lots of great stories.  You can browse the FAQs here.  Do you have about 9 minutes?  Check out this article on the two financial reasons for divorce.