
Image of a man on a beach during sunset with his arms out. Wondering if a financial coach or financial advisor is right for you? Discover how a financial coach in. New York can help you!

In our current, complex financial landscape, different kinds of financial professionals are needed. Navigating the financial landscape of your life can be tricky!  Are you wondering whether you need a financial coach vs a financial advisor? This article will delve into the distinct roles of these professionals....

Image of a man standing on a path in the middle of the woods looking at two separate paths in front of him. Work with a financial coach in New York and California to work on your unnecessary spending and managing debt.

Let’s talk about five signs that it’s time to seek out a trauma-informed financial coach. Approximate read time: 8 minutes As a trauma-informed financial coach, my only goal is to teach my clients how to trust themselves with their money. I deeply understand how past...

Image of two professional individuals working together with laptops. Do you struggle with debt? Find financial freedom with a financial coach in California or New York.

If I’m in a rush and I need to explain what a financial coach does in one breath, I tell people I help my clients learn how to trust themselves with money. And while that’s a pretty good elevator pitch, it doesn’t really encapsulate what...

Image of a business man holding a handful of change and counting it. Discover how a skilled debt coach in California can help you solve your debt struggles and live freely.

As a holistic financial and debt coach, I see debts of all kinds. But one thing remains consistent, and that’s the “debt mindset”, and it is toxic. Let’s talk about how I work with my clients to heal their debt mindset and make paying off...

A couple walking by the beach on a boardwalk. metaphor for having a calm money talk together

Most couples would rather talk about their sex lives than have the money talk. Approximate read time: 9 minutes Talking about our relationships is difficult, and money makes that doubly hard. Money is tightly linked to survival instincts, and the mere thought of talking about...

Image of someone holding a present. Discover how you can better manage your holiday spending with the help of a financial coach in California.

   “I’ve got to spend less on the holidays this year.” Advice from a trauma-informed, holistic financial coach on how to reduce holiday spending without feeling restricted. Approximate read time: 7 minutes Well, it’s that time of year again!  Time to start holiday shopping! And keeping...

Image of a bright, sunlit, forest path. Discover how you can begin overcoming your financial trauma with the help of a skilled financial coach in California.

There isn’t some 5-step process to overcoming financial trauma. You could do all the positive affirmations, journaling, calendaring your financial tasks, or make endless spreadsheets and none of it will work. The one thing, the very first thing, and by far the hardest thing to do...

Image of a gloomy forest path with handrails and a rocky trail. If you're struggling with financial trauma, learn how working with a skilled financial coach in California, New York, or anywhere in the United States to begin coping.

Understanding the root causes of financial trauma is an important step in beginning to heal and overcome this trauma and its long-lasting impacts Approximate read time: 7 minutes Raise your hand. For each of the following statements that you agree with, put a finger down....

Image of a sunrise with a chain that is turning into a bird. Discover how you can begin feeling fulfilled as a successful professional. Learn how financial coaching services in California can help you!

You’ve Worked So Hard to Get Where You Are… How is it Possible to be This Successful But Still Feel Unfulfilled? Approximate read time: 5 minutes Let’s meet Ilena. For the most part, Ilena has done the right things. She graduated from university with flying...

A flow chart showing how to tell if a financial system or tool is a good tool

Savings, debt reduction, and wise spending are not financial tools… they are the RESULT of well-built financial tools. The tools you are using to make financial decisions may be garbage… Some of them are solid, some not so much. Sadly, the tools, rules and tips...

Image of a forest with a wooden bridge. Learn to effectively overcome your financial shame with the help of a financial coach in California. Learn how financial coaching services can help you!

Let’s Talk About Financial Shame and How to Overcome it. You’ve probably told yourself you need to stop wasting money a million times. And maybe just as often you’ve shamed yourself for your spending choices. If restriction and financial shame worked, we’d all be fine....

The first steps towards a healthy, productive money conversation with your partner don't need to be painful....
Image of a couple walking away from each other on a forking forest path. Struggling with finances after divorce? Learn how financial coaching services in California can help you find resilience!

Five years post-divorce 25% of people say they feel recovered from the emotional impact of divorce, vs 35% who say they are still not recovered from the financial impact. Even after five years, so many of us are not financially resilient after divorce. Let’s talk...

Image of a woman's feet on a treadmill. Discover what lifestyle creep is and how financial coaching in New York and California can help you!

What is Lifestyle Creep? Also known as lifestyle inflation, means as we earn more, our lifestyle tastes and expectations go up too. Let’s talk about how to prevent and recover from lifestyle creep with the help of a financial coach and financial coaching services! Approximate...

winter scene at sunset or sunrise with animal tracks as a metaphor for tracking spending

How to Track Spending: Why it’s ok to get rid of that big pile of receipts. Approximate read time: 7 minutes How many times have you tried to track your spending? Here’s some common responses I get when I ask my clients that question: “My...