
Image of a dirt path in a vibrant green forest. Do you struggle with managing your budgets? Learn how financial coaching services in California, New York, Texas, or anywhere else in the United States can help you budget and create stability!

Let’s talk about how to make a budget built by you, FOR you. Approximate read time: 8 minutes You could google “how to make a budget” right now and you’d probably come up with 100s of options. Some will be free, some will be subscription-based,...

when to not give money to family image shows a small family that has hiked to the top of a rocky outcrop

We are often motivated to lend or give our family members money for some truly beautiful reasons. We want to care for our family members no matter their age, and we want them to know we care for them.  Let’s talk about five times you...

Image of a peaceful path through a bamboo forest. Learn to take control of your money mindset with the help of financial coaching services in New York, California, Texas, and anywhere else in the United States!

There is no difference between being financially well and having a healthy money mindset. It’s not that one is the result of the other, they are the same thing. This is why, when people try to out earn, restrict, or obligate their way out of...

bridge across creek future of financial literacy

For generations we’ve heard the same bits of financial wisdom, and we’ve all faithfully passed down this wisdom, reinforcing it each time we regurgitate it. But it’s finally time for a revolution. The future of financial literacy looks nothing like the past. Approximate read time:...

quiet path along a reservoir metaphor for having money in savings

Regardless of your income, it can be difficult to build savings Here are my top suggestions for staying motivated while building savings. Approximate read time: 4 minutes Just expecting yourself to automatically build savings is not enough “Just save money” sounds like an incredibly do-able...

Image of a young couple hiking along forest trail. If you and your partner struggle to manage money together, learn how a financial coach for couples in California.

How to get your spouse to meet with a financial coach for couples with you is no small feat! It doesn’t matter if you’re still dating or have been together for decades, if even the thought of getting your spouse to get financial coaching with you fills...

A washed out road as a metaphor for how financial infidelity undermines connection and communication

In a 2015 article, CNBC reported that 72 million Americans were hiding money from their spouses.  While I’m not at all surprised, I’m sure by now the number is quite a bit higher. Financial infidelity simply means when you or your partner is hiding something...

an isolated person on a lonely forest path as a metaphor for financial abuse

What are some signs of financial abuse? The very first time I meet with a couple, or a person considering or in the process of leaving a relationship I’m looking for signs of financial abuse.  Why do I care?  Because financial abuse can be a...

Rocky mountain path the myths and realities of financial independence

Approximate read time: 9 minutes At its core, financial independence is simply having enough money saved or as passive income to cover your living expenses for the rest of your life. It means you (and anyone you support) are not reliant on a job or...

You’ve worked so hard to build up this emergency fund Knowing when to use your emergency fund is just as important as knowing how to build it in the first place. Building emergency funds isn’t always fun, and for the most part, it’s not fast....

corgi dog sitting by a flat hiking path

If I were to ask you to build a table from scratch and the only tool I gave you was a baseball bat would you keep trying over and over to make it work? Would you tell yourself that you just need to try harder?...