Small Business Finance Podcast Tiffany Phillips headshot

Welcome, Small Business Finances with Tiffany Phillips listeners! We're so glad you're here!

Thank you for listening to our conversation!  We had a great time talking about self awareness without judgment (because if judgment and shame worked, it would have worked by now), and how storytelling impacts our relationship with our money.  Here are the resources we talked about!

How to be aware of your behavior WITHOUT judgment:

How are your past money experiences impacting your decision making right now?

Let’s find out by deeply understanding how your past experiences impact the stories you tell yourself about your money, and the first steps to remapping your money story.

How financial healthy are you?

Even if you’re building savings and paying down debt, it can be difficult to know how healthy and sustainable your financial life is.  

This quick quiz covers all aspects of a healthy financial life, from mindset and communicatin to budgeting.

You won’t need any financial information on hand for this quiz!

Just ready to get started?

Reach out right now using the contact form below!