the top of a pink piggy bank directly looking at the camera on a green background, a quiz to determine how financially healthy you are

Ready to start building a money system that will work for you?

It can be easy to feel stuck and trapped by finances.  It can feel like the only thing you can do is work even harder, make even more money.

That’s a lot of pressure, and that pressure can impact our decision making.  It can end up feeling like no matter what you do, you’re doing something wrong.

So here’s two tools to get you started!

How to start tracking your spending

In this article we’ll pick apart why the whole “just spend on your needs, not your wants” thing is absolute garbage and the strategy I teach my clients.

A free, printable resource for buiilding any system, but especially a budget!

Ready to get started on building your own personalized, evolving budget?

Let’s find a time to talk next week!